ODHS Child Care Subsidy

Little Swans Child Care accepts Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) Child Care Subsidy through  the Employment Related Day Care (ERDC.)

Here is more information about ERDC.

On this section of our website we will give resources for applying for benefits, how benefits work and information regarding benefits usage in our program.

Here is where you can read more about Child Care Subsidy benefits and how they work. 

Applying for Child Care Subsidy

Eligibility Requirements

In Oregon, they use your household income to determine eligibility for child care subsidy benefits. To the left are is the Initial Income Limits Table.

In Person Application

I believe that most ODHS Self Sufficiency Office around the State of Oregon are still closed to public access. I also believe that this still applies to the local Klamath Falls Office, however they have the drive up window open. 

Mail-in Application

You can always mail in a filled out application. This is probably the slowest means to apply.  You can print out the application or pick up an application at the Self Sufficiency Office.
The address to mail in your application is: 

Self Sufficiency

700 Klamath Ave, Suite 100

Klamath Falls, Oregon 


E-mail Application

You can also print, scan and e-mail in your application. This is the e-mail address to use SSP.StatewideWorkshare@dhsoha.state.or.us 

Online Application

Applying online is probably the most convent but not always the fastest. The Klamath Falls Office is known to not process application in a timely manner (I have had it take MONTHS for families to be approved.) ODHS uses their new ONE Eligibility system for application. It is very convenient because you can access everything as you go and submit any documentation through the portal. 

Here is where you will Apply for Benefits Online. 

Over the Phone Application

This is probably the faster way to apply, after you are on hold waiting (which can be hours.)

The phone number to call is for the ONE Eligibility System Phone Line 1-800-699-9075

After Your Application is Approved

You May or May Not Have a Co-Payment

Depending on your families situation ODHS may determine that you family has a co-payment. This amount is to be paid directly to the provider and will vary but is never more than 7% of your family income. This page has charts based on family size and income to determine co-payment amounts. 

Finding a Child Care Provider

While we would LOVE to accept every family that is looking for child care and has a need for child care, it just is not possible. If Little Swans Child Care does not have an opening available or if our program was not a good fit for your family please contact Find Oregon Child Care. 

Call: 2-1-1 or 

Text: 898211 with a message containing your Zip Code; Monday-Friday 9am-5pm or

E-Mail: help@211info.org; Monday-Friday 9am-5pm 

Little Swans Child Care as Your Provider

If we have accepted your enrollment in our program. There are two ways to connect your case to this program as your provider. The slower option is to provide our information to your case worker. The faster way is to call the ODHS Direct Pay Unit (DPU) and connect us over the phone. To connect us you will be asked to provide the following information:

Provider: Vanessa Brown

Program: Little Swans Child Care

Phone Number: 541-892-3335

Program Address: 1242 Owens Street, 

   Klamath Falls, Oregon, 97601

  ODHS Provider Number: YHQ00015

Payment of Your Child Care Tuition

ODHS now pays child care providers based on enrollment in a program not attendance at a program. It is important that your provider has a current written schedule of your planned attendance to the program. ODHS has also started paying providers prior to services being provided rather than after services have been provided. 

To the left I have provided the current ODHS Payment Structure for a Licensed Child Care Programs in Klamath Falls. Little Swans Child Care is a Certified Family and uses the middle 3 columns under Certified Family Rate. ODHS bases payment off of approved hours. Families are approved hours based on their employment schedule. Please also refer to Little Swans Child Care Rate Policy, please note that families are responsible to pay for anything that ODHS Child Care Subsidy do not cover. 

ODHS Payment of Child Care Tuition is NEVER a guaranteed payment, ultimately child care tuition payment is the families responsibility. Please work with your child care provider to ensure ODHS continues to cover your child care tuition.